About Centre

The Centre for Advance Manufacturing has started in the year of 2017. The centre was inaugurated by Dr.E.Bhaskaran, Deputy Director, Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute, Chennai. The Centre for Advanced Manufacturing is an initiative of Future Tech RIT and has been established to cater to the upcoming need for Industry 4.0 professionals in the field of 3D Printing Technology. It is a state of art facility with an excellent opportunity to build a strong platform on the field of advanced and additive manufacturing. The primary objective of RIT CAM is to impart holistic education and training to the students as well as professionals from various industries, thereby creating the industry ready engineers on future technology. The Centre for Advanced Manufacturing is a state of art facility with an excellent opportunity to build a strong platform in the field of advanced and additive manufacturing. The centre was initiated to promote knowledge of advanced manufacturing technology through innovative research and product development. The aim of this centre is to spearhead academia and students in conducting academic and professional programmes based on specific industrial needs and applications. It fills the gap between the academic community and industry through smart partnerships.

Objectives of the Centre

  • To spearhead academia and students in conducting academic and professional programmes based on specific industrial needs and applications.
  • To pursue research & development activities related to relevant engineering fields.
  • To forge and strengthen strategic alliances with related industries.
  • To develop and sustain a pool of expertise of high caliber in the multi-facetted areas of manufacturing engineering

Facilities Available

  • Additive Manufacturing Laboratory
  • Robotics Research Laboratory
  • CNC Laboratory

Flashforge Finder

Ender 3D

Delta printer

CNC Plasma Cutter and Wood Router machines

Faculty Members

Enrolled Students list

Publication Details


Centre for Advanced Manufacturing (CAM) has signed Non-Disclosure Agreement with Power Automobiles, Chennai for carrying out consultancy project titled “Reverse Engineering of Three Wheeler Chassis”. The value of consultancy is Rs.75000.

Funded Projects

  1. CAM received research funds from many agencies like AICTE, IEI, etc.
  2. A fund of Rs.16,80,000has been received under the MODROBS scheme – in which the CNC machines were brought.
  3. Fund has been received for developing a auto rotating solar panel for vehicle from the Institute of Engineers India
  4. Fund has been received for the design and development of driver assistant intelligent head lamp system from the Institute of Engineers India
  5. Fund has been received for testing the titanium coating on gas turbine blades from the Institute of Engineers India.
  6. Fund has been received for conducting STTP from AICT – 14 days national level programme.
  7. An Experimental Investigation of 3D Printed Specimen Inability to quickly make a decision on what kind of material and how much infill to be used in 3D printed models by FDM process. To identity tensile and compressible strengths in order to quickly derive a decision on what kind of material and how much infills to be used. Zero wastage in producing additive manufactured products ensuredZero wastage in producing additive manufactured products ensured Ensuring maximum utility value and economic feasibility in a non economic process like 3D printing. A large amount of materials are usually wasted in order of trial and error method, thus that can be avoided reducing the money spend. Prioritising materials like PLA and other natural composites in manufacturing can reduce a huge amount of burden to environment.
  8. Anti Smog Fertilizer Spraying Machine (TNCST FUNDED PROJECT) Some of these compounds enter the atmosphere as a potent greenhouse gas that’s now at its highest concentration in the last 800,000 years, helping fuel climate problems like the flooding that upended farmers’ lives last spring. Other fertilizer byproducts contaminate water wells, especially in agricultural areas, where the U.S. Geological Survey says one in five has levels exceeding federal health limits. These contaminants also wash into streams, rivers, and lakes, where they become what the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency calls “one of America’s most widespread, costly and challenging environmental problems.
  9. Filament Extruded Preparing our own material for the production saves cost in material finance. We are building our own filament extruder with customization facility.
  10. 3D printer Manufacturing our own 3D printing machine with several features to produce more efficient, elegant and effective designs.

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